Monday, 25 March 2013

Make do and mend

I bought three pairs of jeans almost two years ago, two skinnys and one straight leg. They are all a great fit but something I do in my everyday life has meant that each pair has got a hole in the left knee. The mystery remains as to why the left knee goes and not the right but the hole is no more as I patched it using some Liberty print canvas.

Here's how I did it....

You will need;
Fabric (has to be fabric of equal thickness to garment or you'll just end up patching the patch)
Threads (one that matches the garment and also one, or more, for the patch-in contrasting or matching colours)
Iron and board
Sewing Machine (optional)

1) Using an unpicker carefully unpick the jeans down the outside edge (that's where there is just single stitching) from five inches above to five inches below the area to be patched. This gives you the ability to work on a sewing machine. If you are happy hand stitching then this step isn't necessary but could still make the job easier.
2) Make a template of your patch shape using card, I chose a circle but traditionally they are square, ensure it is bigger than the hole you are patching. Draw round this template on the paper side of the Bondaweb. Then follow Bondawebs simple instructions on pack to end up with bonded patch.
3) Iron bonded patch onto garment.
4) Carefully run through sewing machine, or hand stitch, over edges of patch (this will ensure it doesn't lift) I chose a zig zag stitch in contrasting colour.
5) Optional- Then either by hand or machine work more stitching onto the patch. This gives decorative effect but also means patch is well secured.
6) Carefully stitch the garment back together (remember to change your thread!)

Back of patching when complete
Front of patching when complete
It seemed wrong to throw them out just because of a little wear and tear, so hey presto one pair of jeans with no draughts! I wonder if the patch will out live the right knee???

The Day Aquatic

This weekend MD, or 'Cuncle' as Joel likes to call him, came to visit. We are experiencing some rather strange Spring weather with snow drops and snow flakes out in equal quantities, bitter winds have made outdoor activities face stingily enduring so indoor fun was called for.
We headed out to Lakes Aquarium, another local attraction which we've never been to. The Aquarium has its own steam railway station and is on the edge of Lake Windermere, we admired the views from the warmth of the upstairs cafe whilst tucking into afternoon tea, yum.
The Aquarium was ace with every type of sea life imaginable, including Otters, baby Crocodiles and Starfish (which wriggle around like worms!) There was lots to look at, or run past in Joels case.

Joel loved it apart from when he got scared of the giant tortoises, he thought they weren't real and then one moved which gave him a start. He even managed to drop some Lego (a police mans torso) in one of the displays so we had to call a man with a big scooping net to come and get it! By the end of our visit Joel was getting pretty tired, we had a brilliant time though and I think this picture says it all.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Scary Beary Museum

Yesterday we had an animal blast. The week had got off to a shaky start when Joel took a tumble on a play ground, climbing as usual, and managed to split his head open. We were playing on our own but two lovely mums dashed over to help us back to the car (it was obvious hospital attention was needed). I'm pretty squeamish but did well to remain vaguely calm and collected. After some crazy driving and even crazier singing (to keep him awake) and a long wait at the hospital our brave little rascal was glued back together again. 'Quiet Activities' were suggested on the head injurys leaflet, not an easy feat with Joel.
Racking my brains for what to do I was chuffed to find that Kendal Museum (just down the road) was offering free entry at the moment so yesterday morning we headed over and met our good pals there. Its a really old style museum, rammed full of lots of weird and wonderful things. It offers, amongst other things, an enormous collection of Taxidermied species, many displayed in antique cases. Its very dimly lit giving it an eery feel, great!

Soon after arriving I could hear Joel (toddlers do leg it off in places like this) shouting "Hedgehog, Hedgehog!"I just thought he'd seen one in a case and carried on looking at stuff when there he appeared carrying a stuffed one! Here he is posing next to it with his "ouchy finger"(prickled)

This moose head was mounted high up above a stairwell so I was unable to photograph with any scale reference but it was massive. Just like the one in Return to Oz.

They had a lot of free childrens activities too, these exploratory boxes were great with fossils, butterflies and even a dragonfly inside.

The John Hamer collection of minerals had a staggering 2000+ examples. This reclusive character spent his time potholing and collecting minerals, the entire collection was catalogued and moved from his house when he passed away. Its great to see someones lifes work giving so much pleasure.

Minerals displayed in a Victorian lamp table 
A hand drawn diary of his finds
Raaaaaah! Downstairs we found this guy, teeth and claws at the ready! Joel posed for a picture with him, just after I snapped this he stepped back onto the bears mount and it rocked forward a few inches over him....

..this would have been the view! No wonder he shrieked and ran to my legs saying "Mummy I scared of the bear!!"


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