Before the accident we had a nice day in Carlisle. I was very impressed by their raised beds in the city centre. A sea of forget me nots, a very understated pretty flower. One which I remember making miniature bouquets out of as a child.
Two weekends ago we were in Glasgow. We had a lovely time on our last getaway before becoming parents. Highlights were; watching Flight of the Conchords in concert, wandering the streets, having lay ins (as there was no pets to wake us up at dawn), riding the subway to visit the Kelvingrove museum which was in the most amazing gothic building, complete with full size organ on the balcony of which there was a recital at 1pm filling the corridors with eerie Hammer Horror style sounds.
My favourite section of the museum was Natural History. In particular the display of birds in the main hall and the antlered heads.
Glasgow was brilliant and somewhere we would definately go again. The people were so friendly, even on the train up Glaswegians were chipping in with bits of info about where to visit etc. What a nice time we had.
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