So yesterday I got around to sorting through a big box dad had dropped round, knowing I like sewing he gave me all her sewing stuff.
There's quite a bit to blog about so I thought I'd do it in sections so as not to overwhelm. I hope you find these things as interesting as I do. They reflect both Margaret's history and that of sewing at the same time.
There was a box of loose buttons and a small tin by Players Tobacco.
I like it when you find things other than buttons in button boxes, it's like an administrative error in the filing system. If it's small and has no real place to live, or is button shaped it will end up in the button box. Non button items I found in Margaret's button box are a very glam and very tiny retractable tape measure, two thimbles (one of which is from Blackpool Hospital, where I was born. She must have used it to do sewing when she was in there once) and a tiny china arm from an ornament.
Margaret loved to shop, looking the part at any social occasion. She had huge wardrobes full of clothes, shoes, hats and jewellery. Here is a whole stash of spare buttons from the clothes she'd bought over the years. Fancy keeping them all this time.
'Now where's that spare button?'
Some of the buttons even have a little piece of thread with them. The way this care advice label has been worded made me smile. Lovely indeed.
There were quite a lot of buttons on cards too. These range from being 'Empire Made' to British Made' to 'Made in England'
These ones can be boiled, ironed and dry cleaned. What lucky ladies we are.